Sales Can't Touch This
Despite the Steam Winter Sale coinciding with the release of the DayZ Alpha (finally I might add, yet again), it has actually stayed in the top sellers list during the sale, nothing has taken it from the top spot as the number one seller. Hell, it still is the top seller at this very moment, but of course for all you Steam-enthusiasts, what do the salse numbers equal to? I'll be honest, we only have the first week's total, which is well over 400,000 units being sold. Well done Rocket and team!
So what other figures can we give you? The game has had a total of 4 patches since launch of the Alpha, pretty amazing given the size of the team and scope of the game itself. Also, over 40,000 have been present at the same time on the game which is another remarkable achievement. Of course, remember it still is an Alpha and development isn't stopping, which is why the team have devised a list of confirmed content and features which will be making its way into the game later in 2014. So, if you've yet to try out DayZ you can always try out the free mod or if you want the definitive and latest version, be sure to purchase the Alpha.