Saints Row Giveaway - Winners
First place XiDiO: The grand prize, one copy of Saints Row IV on Steam
Runner up Vissari: A steam code for Saints Row the Third Complete Package and Dead Island Game of the Year.
To claim your goodies, either add me via Steam, or contact Pixel Judge directly to receive via E-mail.
Apologies to everyone who didn't win, but you have our immense thanks for taking part. All of your support is greatly appreciated. And don't lose hope, there will be more games up for grabs soon. So check back often.
Posted 24-08-2013, 16:44
So what, you're saying IT WAS FIXED FROM THE START?!?!?!
Posted 23-08-2013, 20:46
Such a great game!
XiDiO! You owe me damnit! You totally my bish now!
Posted 23-08-2013, 02:46
Congrats to the winners!
Posted 23-08-2013, 01:47
Posted 23-08-2013, 01:21
We had some top quality entries for sure
Posted 23-08-2013, 01:09
It's a fix! I'm launching an independent inquiry...
Posted 23-08-2013, 00:54
Bobfish, it does not mean everyone else was crap! Just that the two winners were the most popular.
Posted 23-08-2013, 00:36
Damn, missed everything. Congrats to the winners!
Posted 22-08-2013, 23:50
I think it was the "this is the second time" part that sold it. Hard to ignore that level of dedication. Good job all round though. I'm just sorry we couldn't have offered more
Posted 22-08-2013, 23:25
After i read his post i knew XiDio would have won.