Ron Gilbert Discusses Lots Of Things

During an interview with PC GAMER Ron Gilbert discusses a variety of subjects that can give insight into his thinking about Lucas Film, Disney acquiring them, and episodic content. Ron Gilbert is currently working on a game called The Cave which will arrive in January. It seems that he is surprised Disney was able to acquire Lucas Film. He expresses some discontent because he does not own any of the rights to the PC titles that Disney now owns. Ron Gilbert is troubled because it is unlikely that Disney is interested in creating PC games. There is little chance that Gilbert would be able to make new versions of classic PC games because of Disney’s reluctance to create anything on the PC.
On a brighter note, Gilbert is enthusiastic about The Walking Dead and episodic content. Gilbert explains that The Walking Dead shows people that adventure games can be sold to a mass number of people. It also demonstrates the viability of episodic content when done correctly. Gilberts game (The Cave) will be similar to other Telltale games because it can be completed in a short time, but it will offer engaging gameplay at the same time. If you would like to read more of the interview head over to
What do you think of episodic content, or Disney acquiring Lucas Film? Let us know in the comments below.