Rivals Still has a Couple Trailers for You
Need for Speed: Rivals hit the shelves a couple weeks ago, but the trailers aren't quite done yet. First off we're given a look at the Need for Speed Network, namely the "Overwatch" app that you can use to be a jerk to your friends or use as a minimap if for some reason that map on your monitor wasn't quite cutting it. You can also compare your stats while you're waiting in line to buy hand soaps like some sort of obsessive if you wanted. It's all about options.
I myself have never used a companion app for a game, but if I had the means to i'm sure I probably would a couple times before forgetting about it. Next on the list is a trailer where everyone tells you how good Need for Speed: Rivals is. It's good! Read my review if you don't believe me. You could also watch the trailer on your iPad while you summon road blocks for your friends that are playing the game.