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Rivals gets Jaguar and Ferrari DLC

By CameronW24-02-2014

Remember Need for Speed: Rivals? It looks like we're getting some DLC to spend our hard earned money on. Titled "Jaguar" and "Ferrari" these two DLC packs do something you couldn't possibly guess; yep, that's right, they add Jaguar and Ferrari cars to the game.

People who pick up the Jaguar pack will get their hands on the super-fancy Jaguar C-X75 and the "world's first hypercar" the Jaguar XJ220. If you're more of a Ferrari guy (or gal) you can get your fix with the slightly less crazily named Ferrari X40 and Ferrari X50 with the Ferrari pack.

According to the Need for Speed website, these two packs aren't the only DLC coming out for Rivals in the coming months and they'd be super happy if you followed them on Twitter and Facebook just like everyone else.

According to the announcement the Ferrari and Jaguar DLC packs are sold separately for Police and Racers so this is technically four separate purchases for all of the vehicles unless you buy the complete packs.

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