Return to the Metro

Following the success of Metro: Last Light, it should come as no surprise that we're being graced with another foray into the grim, post apocalyptic mind of Dmitry Glukhovsky. What is that we're getting a remake of the original. Which, actually isn't all that surprising when you really think about. HD remakes and whatnot are all the rage right now. And whilst Metro 2033 is not nearly old enough for that kind of treatment, it was...well, it did not live up to its full potential first time around.
We have no details on precisely what will be in the final product at this time, but Deep Silver issued an official statement to confirm that it is coming. Aimed primarily at the PlayStation 4 and Xbone, we won't be left out in the cold. So, at the very least, we're getting a collection pack that will contain everything from both games. But I expect, more than that, Metro 2033 will see a hefty overhaul of the gameplay as well as tweaks to the visuals. Perhaps even being completely rebuilt in the Last Light engine? 'Cause 2033 was already a damn fine game, but it had some serious flaws.
We'll just have to wait for E3 to find out more.
Mark your calendars.
Posted 02-04-2014, 00:19
Is it going to be closer to the source material this time?
Posted 01-04-2014, 21:19
I won't deny. I'm tempted
Posted 01-04-2014, 21:12
I've got Last Light on ps3 as part of the ps plus subscription but have yet to try it. If it's a decent price for both games then I will pick it up for my Xbox one
Posted 01-04-2014, 17:56
Because console gamers are sheep. It's clearly aimed at them
Posted 01-04-2014, 16:42
The thing that pisses me off reading about this is the fact I bought 2033 and loved it despite the bugs, however, why make people pay another £30/£40 for a fixed version? As you said, it already looks amazing, so why bother releasing it with minor graphical upgrades and probable bug fixes. Maybe steam will offer a discount for owners of 2033 that want to buy it again