Respawn’s Warning of TitanFall Beta Scams

TitanFall developers want to send a message out to any of you folks that have an itch to try it out for themselves. Well word is going out that some websites are offering Beta access signups for the game, which apparently is false according to this tweet.
"To help keep our fans safe from scammers, please note that all sites advertising Beta access are 100% scams."
So there you have it folks, don't be venturing to any sites that promise such a miracle and definitely don't give them your details, otherwise you could be in for a rude awakening! Stay safe folks!
Oh and, to conclude, if there were going to be any Beta access, one would assume that it would be officially announced by the developers themselves, and I certainly wouldn't expect such a thing till the start of 2014, after all the game is expected to be released in the Spring of next year.
Posted 07-09-2013, 19:12
I really want to play this game but this sucks for people that were scammed.