Resident Evil 6 Official Trailer
With its release date getting extremely close and PC release still to be announced, Resident Evil 6 has been blessed with an official trailer which contains a couple of minutes worth of cutscenes and gameplay sections, showing off each of the character's unique campaigns.
Resident Evil has, to the dismay of many of its fans, slowly slipped away from the Survival Horror genre and started to become more of an action title, well Resident Evil 6 looks to thrown in elements of both styles. Leon's campaign is more faithful to the series roots, Chris' campaign continues down the action path, while Jake Muller's story seems to bring something fresh to the table.
Resident Evil 6 for PC is still listed as “soon”, but it should be about a month after the console release.
Posted 27-09-2012, 02:47
And the giant stomping the city...
Posted 27-09-2012, 01:53
Yeah... trailer was semi-ok until the terrible gameplay kicked in.
Posted 27-09-2012, 01:13
Love how it looked interesting until the derpy gameplay began. Will get great reviews as 5 did but I honestly think that it's gonna be a massive, steaming turd of a game.
Posted 26-09-2012, 23:28
Japan needs to tone down all the emotions they put into all their games. Its just too much to even look real and is just cringe worthy.