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Red Dragon Has Overview Trailer and Website

By JcDent21-02-2014

You want Cold War military clashes? Well, then look no further than Wargame: Red Dragon, because beyond it lie *wargames* and none of us are competent enough to tackle their low-polygon hex infused turned based insanity. Red Dragon, however, is the third instalment of Wargame (with capital W), moving action to Asia, adding about 500 hundred units (to a total of 1300-ish) and introducing naval battles. Prepare to party like it's somewhere between 1960s and 1995!

While the game still lacks a solid release date – Q2 2014 is the best we have – it now has an overview trailer. While nowhere near as cool as Wargame: AirLand Battle videos, it still shows some of that ship and new unit action. Even less new info is contained in the dedicated website.

On the other, more fun hand, a new devblog post was released and we finally know how naval units are integrated into the army building deck system! Simply put, it costs nothing to put naval units into a deck (they have their own line and everything). The logic behind this is that regular units will get used more often, since most maps will have land, while enough sea for combat is not always guaranteed.

So, in the Naval line you'll see your ships (from patrol boats to frigates and destroyers – no, no carriers), your naval aircraft and marine infantry and tanks. The last two were usually found in Marine decks in previous games, so it's unclear if they'll be available in non-naval-line, paid form.

Also, unlike national decks, there won't be national navies. The ships will belong to either REDFOR or BLUEFOR multinational fleets – and that is a good thing, since dreaming up navies for countries that didn't have them naturally is worse than coming up with units for Norway or Denmark (Sweden at least had the decency to make their own tanks and planes).

Gawking at naval units will also be there as they have been provided their own armoury background – the "caldera lake". And this is what makes Wargame: Red Dragon the most sexually tense game of the year.

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