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Red Access, Early Dragon

By Bobfish21-03-2014

Prepare yourself for battle. Get your deck ready. Hold onto your butts! The Red Dragon has come to Early Access. A whole month prior to release, you can already dive in and start wreaking havoc on your foes. To celebrate this event, we've been graced with some delicious new screenshots, and a nifty little 25% discount for any and all who own the previous title, AirLand battle,

But I'm not done yet!

Focus have promised that new content will be added on a regular basis, right up until release. Things such as new maps, the naval units (which I guess means they're aren't there yet, sadface) amd the new 'dynamic campaign system' which sounds particularly intruiging. All in all, basically, Focus are at it again reminding me why they're my favourite publisher. And I don't even play RTS!

Because I suck at them, but that's just between you, me and the walls.

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