Quantum Break No Longer Platform Locked
In a strange bit of news, and feels strange writing this for a few reasons, Microsoft announced today that their upcoming time-manipulation based game Quantum Break is not going to Xbox One only, but will have a Windows 10 version as well. I am one of the people that believe that locking a game to a specific medium is bad, however, as the lines between console and PC blur even more with low-end PC's being better than consoles, this is something we may see start happening less and less.
We don't have much information, but it does appear it's going to be Windows 10 only and according to the specs it will be making use of 16Gb RAM and that R9 Fury X some people have.
I suggest keeping an eye on Steam and possibly other digital outlets and physical outlets but at this moment it is only available on Xbox One and the current promotion listed is that if you get the Xbone version you get the PC version for free. The game will use the new sync system to allow the same save to be played on both.