PvZ 2 And Sims 4 Making Their Way To Screens Near You

There have been two announcements made recently concerning two games close to the hearts of many. So without further ado...
Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time, which is a rather apt name when you think about it, is expected to be released in July, as the teaser trailer (below) so wonderfully shows off - along with some rather extreme fan reactions to how long it’s taken. There isn't a concrete release date, but there is an 'Ask a Zombie' column on Popcap's Blog, that seems to indicate the 12th as a candidate for PvZ 2's release.
The other news is that Maxis have announced that The Sims 4 is currently in development, and is aiming for a release sometime in 2014. I'm not sure what to make of this. I mean, I know The Sims always makes a bucketload of money for EA/Maxis, but I know a ton of people that tried the third installment once, and simply returned to the second game because it had more stuff to do, and I can't help but wonder how they'll react to this...