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Project CARS on Track to Release...Another Trailer

By KenpoJuJitsu324-03-2015

Yo jurors! A new trailer just dropped from Slightly Mad Studios and Bandai Namco for Project CARS to showcase its selection of gorgeous tracks and locations, its day/night system and its dynamic weather system. It all looks very very sexy...

Sigh, when is this game coming out? This is another in a long list of promising looking games that have been promising LOOKING for a hilarious length of time due to substantial delays. Unsurprisingly, many of these delays are from studios who are also developing for the new-ish consoles so I'm speculating some of this might be growing pains of learning the new consoles. If so, that's understandable.

At the end of the day, the game looks great so far and if delays equal quality then I'm all for that. Besides, it's not like there's a shortage of games I have to play, review, etc. in the mean time. But that's not important, what is important is.....

What say you jurors? Are you patiently waiting for this grand project to reach completion? Or have the delays burned you out to the point where you're more than just slightly mad? Let us know in the comments.

For more news on this and other games, drift on over to Pixel Judge. This news is adjourned.

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