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Prepare for Games for Windows Live's Funeral

By Toast20-08-2013

Well this may or may not be a shocker since we last reported on Microsoft's statement of the marketplace shutting down later this week which signalled the end of the service completely to a lot of people, but Microsoft reassured us it would continue as normal for games. Now that statement has either been exaggerated or falsely stated, as it turns out they may be planning to discontinue the service entirely for each game sooner than expected.

Polygon managed to spot an announcement on the support page of Age of Empires online by Microsoft stating that Games for Windows LIve support is to end in July 2014, along with Age of Empires Online's servers going dark. The statement read as follows:

"Games for Windows Live will be discontinued on July 1, 2014. Although it is available through Steam, Age of Empires Online requires features of the Games for Windows Live service. You can continue to enjoy all the features of Age of Empires Online as the service will remain 100 per cent operational until July 1, 2014 when the server will shut down."

So one question (or several) remains unanswered, what will happen to certain games like Dark Souls, Bioshock 2, GTA IV etc? Will they possibly have some type of patch to unlock the games after service termination forever? I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later and will update this as soon as there is anything new from Microsoft officially.


Comments (3)
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Posts: 10

They better patch those gfwl games.

Posts: 3290


Posts: 1317

YES! But let's hope each developer actually gives a damn about converting each former GFWL-based game onto something like Steam or whatever else. So that the games still work.