Preparations for the Funeral

Didn't you hear? Games for Windows Live (GFWL) is officially dead, well it soon will be in the coming months. Ever since the leaked announcement from Age of Empires Online's support page was plucked when 'accidentally' made public, it was a domino-effect for developers to start detaching themselves from using the service. So here you're all wondering about which games will be making the transition to a non-GFWL platform and which will die along with it on the 1st July.
Joystiq was kind enough to provide an actual list of titles that'll be making a change, not going to bother and go down with the tainted flagship, or isn't sure to sink or swim yet. Without further ado, for your reading pleasure and information is a lowdown of what is happening with all known titles:
Moved to Steamworks:
Bioshock 2
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman Arkham City GOTY Edition
Toy Soldiers
Gotham City Impostors
Moving to Steamworks:
DiRT 3
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
F1 2010 + F1 2011
Ms. Splosion Man
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Fallout 3
No future Plans/Uncertain:
Dark Void
Deadrising 2 + Off the Record
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition + Lost Planet 2
Resident Evil 5 + Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
DiRT 2
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising + Operation Flashpoint Red River
Iron Brigade
Fable 3
Gears of War
Halo 2
Microsoft Flight
Viva Pinata
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
Grand Theft Auto IV + Episodes from Liberty City
The Club
Universe at War: Earth Assault
Virtua Tennis 4
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Blacklight: Tango Down
Likely to sink with GFWL:
Quantum of Solace
Star Wars: Clone Wars - Republic Heroes
Tron: Evolution
Section 8
Section 8: Prejudice
Some games are likely to make a switch-over like Dark Souls and possibly Grand Theft Auto IV. However, one destructible game is missing from the list. Red Faction: Guerilla, which switched hands from Volition to Nordic, who plan to do something with it, which leaves open the possibility to Steamworks or some other system. If anything else pops up, we'll be sure to notify you and update as necessary.
Posted 22-01-2014, 00:48
@Bobfish - Why?
Posted 21-01-2014, 11:48
I smell a lawsuit brewing
Posted 20-01-2014, 20:50
The sad thing is, GFWL was significantly better for Dawn of War 2 than Steam was...What has happened to the world?!?!
Posted 20-01-2014, 19:55
It's hilarious that Dark Souls is one of the ones that have no plans. Do we need any more proof that the developers don't give a fuck about the people who bought the game?
Money saved on my part, anyway. Anyone who pre-orders Dark Souls 2 blindly is a goat.
Posted 20-01-2014, 17:21
Also I cant see Gears of War or Halo 2 moving to Steamworks. Though it would be VERY cool and I would Buy GoW in a heartbeat.
Posted 20-01-2014, 17:20
Moved up the category. Thanks K-putt for the tip!
Posted 20-01-2014, 17:02
Fallout 3 gets a patch to remove gfwl :)