Play Assassin's Creed 3 with a Trailer
A wild trailer appears! This time, Assassin's Creed 3 takes you on an interactive journey to Bunker Hill, featuring the 1775 battle.
Death, drama, tension, explosions. This trailer contains all of those things, as required by the holy law of video game trailers. How else are trailers meant to hold your attention for more than five seconds? If you want to save time and not watch the trailer, simply imagine an Assassin killing redcoats with some fancy acrobatics and some sneaking around. But wait! You can play this trailer, it's interactive you see. So I guess you'll have to watch/play it after all.
Posted 25-10-2012, 03:19
@Reaver, I agree we need demos!
Posted 24-10-2012, 19:26
ACIII ... Yawn....
Posted 24-10-2012, 18:30
I know is cheaper to make these videos, but come on, i want demos for games so i can try it out before blindly buying a game!