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Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare Launch Trailer

By Bunnysuit26-02-2014

The trailer for Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare is out for Xbox 360 and Xbox One, but the PC release won't be until sometime next month. The gameplay looks very different than the previous Plants vs. Zombie games, this time around the zombies and plants are rendered in full 3D. It is also an online multiplayer game this time around. New zombies, new plants, new weapons! The plants aren't grounded anymore, they can actually move around.

The reviews for the Xbox versions of this game are very mixed. It seems the game loses its charm when it loses its simplicity. It also feels incomplete to a lot of players. I loved the god-like control of the original game, this time around you're just controlling one plant or zombie at a time. It could just be a generic shooter with the famous Plants vs. Zombies characters added to it.

I like how this game is a third person shooter though; I tend to be better at those than first person shooters.

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