Payday 2 Live Action Web Series
Ah, who wants to watch a bank heist go down with roaring action, betrayals, and loads and loads of money? Now who wants to play that same experience? It seems that with Payday - you can eventually do both.
Made popular by Far Cry 3, it seems that now every marketing department in the gaming industry is clamouring for a live action web series in order to boost their expected sales just a bit more. The most recent one happens to be the marketing group in charge of Payday 2, the bank robbing simulator/FPS. Directed by Demian Lichtenstein, it plans to release on a bi-weekly basis up until August, when the game is finally released.
You can go ahead and watch it if you want, though I do warn you, it is quite the tease.
Posted 07-06-2013, 21:06
Uh yeah... give us some more gameplay instead, please.