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Paragon This

By McKaby04-11-2015

Epic Games released a teaser on a website, and well, it's for a new game called Paragon. We don't have much detail, but on the site we see a cyberneticaly enhanced gentleman with twin guns.

With Epic having been the creators of possibly the most iconic versus shooter in existence, this brings up the question, was this originally going to be an Unreal Tournament mod that just kept being fleshed out until it became its own game, or is this something else?

Some people are wondering about the next Unreal Tournament and also Fortnite (with no known date) but this truly is going to be interesting. Heck there is already a discussion about it possibly being a MOBA as well (I hope not).

Check out the website, which does have a slow HTML 5 intro and look over the currently displayed person.


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