Original Access
Much like the similarly named EA Access for the Xbone, Origin are now offering a monthly subscription service in America, Canada, the United Kingdom and, for some odd reason, Germany. For a cost of £3.99/$5.99(TBC) you get access to a "growing collection of great PC games" currently consisting of fifteen of Origin's larger titles. Including, but not limited to, the last three Battlefield's and Dragon Age: Inquisition.
The service also comes with access to some of their titles earlier than the general populace and an apparently blanket 10% discount on all Origin titles, which even stacks with sale prices. Though you will, of course, lose access to any games available if your cancle the subscription. And presumably, titles will be added and removed as time goes by. But even as it currently stands, it's less than a fiver a month for some of the best games Electronic Arts have to offer.
So please excuse me whilst I go sign my s...whilst I go sign up for it myself.