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NFS Most Wanted Gameplay Feature

By Bis18marck7019-09-2012

The Need for Speed series has been around for quite some time now. While some of the games have found a soft spot in many a gamer, the series had its ups and downs over the years. With Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Criterion Games aim for the next big thing in the racing genre.

With a whole city open to the player from the start, Most Wanted will give the opportunity to visit every highway, street and alley from the minute they step into the game. As well as that, the long grind to unlock every car in the game will seize to exist. Instead, you can now drive up to any car in the world and simply hop in. If it only was that easy in real life.

Once you found your favorite automobile, it is time to face off against your rivals or go out to find some trouble so that you can out-run and out-smart the cops. For everything you do in the game, you will be awarded special speed-points. Once you earned enough, you will face off against the ten best drivers of Fairhaven City with the obvious goal of beating them all, one by one, to become the Most Wanted. To do so, you will be able to upgrade and customize your car at a moment’s notice to prepare yourself for the next battle.

Apart from the singleplayer experience, everything you do in the world will be a multiplayer experience too. With a constantly updating system, every action you take is monitored and special achievements will not only be displayed on your world, but also in that of your friends. See a speed camera? Well, blaze past it and try to beat the record of your friends. And if you happen to find a billboard, race towards it, make to long jump and if you happen to beat the current record holder, then your avatar will be displayed on that board for all your friends to see.

Feel like this game could be for you? Well, check out the trailer and tell us what you think.

Comments (4)
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Posts: 223

@Stuntman - This is their second one isn't it? Hot Pursuit is a great racer. Felt like NFS, but also a bit fresher. This vision of MW just seems too similar to Burnout. Hopefully a demo will be released BEFORE release (hate post release demos) so I can get a better understanding of the game and how it plays

Posts: 237

It is.... a Burnout game!

Posts: 1548

Every (almost) NFS from Critereon looks like Burnout Pradise

Posts: 223

Loved Most Wanted on the Xbox 360, but this just doesn't feel right. Don't get me wrong, it looks like a good racing game, it just looks like Burnout Paradise 2