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EA Goes Batshit Insane

By Bobfish24-05-2013

Oh EA, you make it too easy. I actually try to avoid the obligatory 'lulz, EA r teh suxxors' but when asinine comments like this come drifting out, it becomes easier to feed a cat regolith. First, though he's now been replaced (though no full time posting has yet been made) John Riccitiello made the arse backwards claim that we, the gamers, really want to be always online with our games. I wish I was reinterpteting that to troll for views, but read for yourself.

"The question of the always-on connection is one that causes some gamers’ blood to boil. Gamers will want, and learn to love, the good parts of consoles being more connected to our digital lives than was possible with the machines launched eight years ago."

But the real EA, they aren't that dense surely?

"Both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have adopted electronics and an integrated systems-on-a -chip (soc) architecture that unleashes magnitudes more compute and graphics power than the current generation of consoles. These architectures are a generation ahead of the highest end PC on the market and their unique design of the hardware, the underlying operating system and the live service layer create one of the most compelling platforms to reimagine game mechanics."

These pearls of wisdom brought to you by Rajat Teneja, Executive Vice President of EA. Current Executive Vice President. This is one of those times when, frankly, the comments speak for themselves.

EA...you cray cray.

Comments (10)
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Posts: 3290

@Neon: I still have issues with that

Posts: 596

Its no wonder they were voted Worst Company in America two times in a row now, hey, they might even make it three times in a row if they keep this up!

Posts: 3290

Well, hey. No publicity is bad publicity right?

Posts: 267

Fun fact: highest end PC these days can have TWO 8-core Sandy Bridge Xeons @ 3.1 GHz, 4 GTX Titans, over 32 GB RAM.

Marketing specialists are often so funny in their delusions.

Posts: 44

I most definitely do not want to be always online with my games. Most MMOs are infested with shrieking prepubescent asshats spamming the chat window with demands for "ph4t l00t" and questions so obvious they increase the likelihood of suffering a rage-induced aneurysm by a factor of 10 million. (30 minutes spent playing Neverwinter is all the proof you'll ever need.)

And as for the assertion that the new consoles will trash high-end PCs? Yeah. In some bizarre parallel dimension inhabited solely by people afflicted with some sort of crippling brain injury perhaps.

Posts: 207

EA you stupid maniac! I'm not sure whether to laugh, or have you sent to a mental asylum....

Posts: 22

Maybe if the games were to show such feats at E3. Why make such a statement before we've seen any of the actual graphical powerhouses that would surely back up his statement?

Posts: 3290

It's also incredibly stupid. When will they learn? This is the crazy idiocy that makes people despise them so much

Posts: 241

The guy's just trying to create some hype for the new consoles, where EA will be investing a lot of its money. I'm sure he knows that PCs are more powerful, this is just marketing.

Posts: 127
