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New WildStar Trailers

By Mokman09-02-2013

WildStar - the highly anticipated upcoming Sci-Fi MMO by Carbine Studios, has announced a whole bunch of new game and loot info in their latest development update and also finally has a release date - 2013. As nebulous as that is, a small consolation is that three new trailers have been released, focusing on the rich lore and factions in the world, as well as the classes.

First, a trailer called "Meet the Exiles". Ignore the rip-off TF2's trailer naming, it focuses on one of the game's two factions - The Exiles.

Second, a trailer showcasing the features of the Soldier character path, specializing in killing and buffing.

Third, a trailer showcasing the Explorer character path, specializing in utility and well, jumping.


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Posts: 3290

I think we know what Stunt is going to be

Posts: 1548

Meet the exiles trailer was really good - others, not so much...