Mysterious MOBA Game in the Works

As spotted by IGN, it seems EA is seeking new employees to work on a yet unannounced project.
All that is known so far, as taken from the job description, is that EA is seeking a Global Community Manager who will work with Visceral Games (the developers of Dead Space) on a new F2P MOBA game. On top of this, EA is also seeking Game Designers who have experience in MOBA, Action RTS, Action RPG and related genres.
As such, it is a safe bet that Visceral Games is currently starting development on a new MOBA game. Whether or not this will be based on Dead Space at all is anyone’s guess, it is however, safe to presume it will be an M-rated game (like Dead Space). After all, this is what Visceral Games specialises in.
So what do you think Visceral Games is cooking up? A Dead Space F2P MOBA game or new IP?
Feel free to leave your guesses in the comment section below.
Posted 11-10-2012, 22:48
I am just hopeful it's not a Dead Space MOBA, as I don't see where they can get the character variety from? And yeah, F2P is the new gaming direction. This gaming generation is the generation of the F2P's
Posted 11-10-2012, 19:15
There will be too many f2p games in the next 2 years, and so many will fail in being financially successful... atleast thats how i see. As for this, i dont think it will be a new IP, its EA after all. Still, a Dead Space MOBA would be interesting.