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Multiplayer Has Advanced Warfare

By zethalee14-08-2014

Returning from their development debut in Modern Warfare 3, Sledgehammer have been hard at work for three years developing an entirely new game. Following last year's lacklustre Ghosts, Advanced Warfare has been teased for months with promotional trailers and hints along the way. With the ultimate reveal and gameplay demo shown at E3 promising something much more futuristic, and having 100% more Kevin Spacey than previous entries. Finally, it seems, that footage has been released of the multiplayer component. Seemingly incorporating elements of both Titanfall's mobility and Battlefield 4's "levelution," Advanced Warfare may well be what the series needs to reinvigorate itself.

As far as the actual gameplay is concerned, there appears to be limited use of a jetpack, adding in a sense of verticality to the maps, though they appear to be pretty small otherwise. Cloaking abilities, a temporary shield, and many other exosuit abilities are unlocked as you play via a "supply drop" system, which also leads to further cosmetic customization. Lobbies and weapon customization have been overhauled as well, with the Pick 10 system turning into the Pick 13, and while in lobbies, you can show off achievements and rare items in addition to your customized soldier. There's no word yet on the number of weapons included in the game, though there is an entirely new class: energy weapons.

There's no word yet on what this means in terms of changes for the competitive community, as having "wallhack grenades" would certainly imbalance the game in favor of which team managed to carry more, and the "levelution" would mean it's just one more enemy to watch out for. In addition to the multiplayer footage, a level from the campaign shown at this week's Gamescom has also surfaced, featuring a driving section and the rather untimely death of the Golden Gate Bridge. In any case, this latest instalment seems to be set to change how the series is viewed; this year anyway.

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