Mortal Kombat Launch Trailer Delivers a Hype-ality
Yo jurors! Not content to let the hype train slow down, NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. Interactive have released yet another trailer for the upcoming fighting game Mortal Kombat X. Does it deliver the hype? Well....
Sort of. If you're already a fan or familiar with the series this trailer is packed full of character appearances and references to get you ready for release. But if you don't know Scorpion from Kenshi the fast cuts in this trailer are going to leave you just as lost at the end as you were at the beginning. I'm not spoiling who and what I saw, but you can feel free to check out the trailer and let us know in the comments what you saw.
What say you jurors! Have you chosen a side in the battle between the realms? Or has the brutality of the fatalities turned you off from having a friendship with this game? Let us know in the comments.
For more news on this and other games, keep dashing to Pixel Judge. This news is adjourned.