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MoH: Warfighter – Silence is a Virtue

By Bis18marck7009-11-2012

Medal of Honor: Warfighter, one of the ’Modern Military Shooter’ joyrides everyone seems to play (well, there would be no market for them if this wasn’t so, would there?) has not received the best of reviews. Not surprising really; the particular genre has been in ‘intellectual’ decline since CoD 4: Modern Warfare – not that it ever was a game which greatly challenged your brain capacitors. Regardless of this, the sales aren’t that bad considering and with the Christmas sales soon popping up everywhere it’ll likely sell a few more copies to those so inclined to spend cash.

But no, I am not here to rant about MMS, explain how they negatively influence the PC gaming market or how there mere existence is an insult to all gamers. I am here on different business. What that might be? Well, obviously games based on a particular topic need research in that topic so to give a realistic, or shall we say, ‘perceived’ realistic impression. Because let’s be honest, mowing down hundreds of bad guys happens every day...yeah, totally. MoH: Warfighter is no special case and that seems to come at the personal cost of seven real life Navy Seals who, in a streak of absolute ingenious inspiration, choose to assist the developers without asking prior permission from their command. Not only, judging from the released game, did they fail to infuse any ‘real’ sense of realism, but now are on the receiving end of a ‘punitive letter of reprimand’ and only receive a ½ pay for two months while their case, and damage, is being analysed.

You’d think that two Senior Chief Special Operators and five Chief Special Operators would know better than unveiling classified information. While I doubt that they actually gave of any big secret because, at the end of the day, they are member of an elite unit so a little brain power must be a given, but what strikes me as unusual is that they actually broke the sacred vow of silence that most elite military units have. The German GSG 9 is an excellent example of this as they refuse to take of their identity concealing masks during training routines with other units.

Maybe all this ‘SEALs pwn everybody business’ that erupted after Team Six’s infiltration into Pakistan, got over the heads of these seven individuals. CBS confirmed that all are part of the exact unit with one even having been part of the mission.

The Department of Defense is now trying to determine whether more personal was involved.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Feel free to share below.

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Posts: 233

A man's gotta say what a man's gotta say

Posts: 223

Not sure if I'm reading a news story or a blog...seems to be both.

Posts: 233

I can't help it that we usually are the most competent, efficient and rule-conscious people ^^

Posts: 1548

Bis you, bring up German superiority wherever you can :D