Mirror’s Edge 2 Finds It’s Way Onto Amazon

Mirror's Edge, that ever so inventive game from Battlefield developer DICE, has been taunting fans with a sequel for a long time now. That started to change when former executive Ben Cousins tweeted that 'It is general knowledge in the Stockholm dev scene that Mirror's Edge 2 is in production at DICE' back in November 2012, and could be gaining momentum with a pre-order page appearing on Germany's Amazon site before being quickly taken down. The fact that is was just the one site, and that it quickly disappeared does ring some alarm bells - so don't get your hopes too high - but it's still nice to dream, isn't it?
Posted 25-05-2013, 12:24
I'd actually like to see them make the colour even more striking. Instead of white cut through with <insert level colour of choice> have everything done in bright, fluorescent, pearlescent, cel shaded pastels.
That's right, bright pastels. 'Cause that's just the way I roll baby!
Posted 25-05-2013, 03:57
Real question is.
Will it have blue colorgrading?
Posted 24-05-2013, 18:35
Eye's are wide open for this one
Posted 24-05-2013, 11:14
I loved Mirror's Edge, I was so sad when they said they wouldn't make another and then so happy when they said they started making it after all... Really cannot wait for this title!
Posted 24-05-2013, 11:05
Do it!!!
Posted 24-05-2013, 10:14
Please. Just let this happen.