MoH: Warfighter Puts You In The Driver's Seat

A brand new episode in EA's "SEAL Team 6 Combat Training" series has been released and focuses on combat driving in Medal of Honor: Warfighter.
As mentioned in the video, in a real life situation, it's not all about driving at high speeds firing your pistol of the window like John McClane. Wasting all your ammo only to have your vehicle disabled, holding nothing but empty mags, probably isn't the best situation for anyone to be in.
A trailer for the single player campaign has also been released, it features a pretty intense and awesome looking car chase gameplay sequence.
This game is looking pretty impressive and, yet again, the Frostbite 2 engine is looking beautiful.
Medal of Honor Warfighter "brings the rain" October 23rd NA, 25th EU and 26th UK.