ME Trilogy, Now With Online Pass

Last week BioWare announced that they were making a Mass Effect Trilogy pack. There was speculation over whether it was coming out with DLC or not, but this issue has now been cleared and it's kind of a mixed bag. BioWare have updated their FAQ with DLC, which now states this:
On PC, Mass Effect will include Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Station on disk. For Mass Effect 2, Cerberus Network will be included which features Zaeed – The Price of Revenge, The Firewalker Pack, Cerberus Assault Gear, Arc Projector heavy weapon, and Normandy Crash site mission. For Mass Effect 3, Online Pass will be included granting players access to co-op multiplayer.
Ok, first of all, Online Pass for PC?! Now, for the first game Bring Down the Sky was already free and Pinnacle Station was unworthy of purchase anyway. As for Mass Effect 2, EA included the DLC which came with pre-orders of the game, whilst leaving out the best bits like Lair of the Shadow Broker and Arrival, two DLC which actually add to the story. So it seems that this Trilogy is far from the 'Ultimate' Edition that we were hoping for.
All I can say is - it’s EA. Don’t you agree?
Posted 01-10-2012, 18:49
Mass Effect "EA wants even more money" collection.
Posted 01-10-2012, 17:00
Considering the price point they will release ME Trilogy at, I find it really shocking that they do not even include all the DLC for all the titles.
Posted 01-10-2012, 15:46
Its a real shame that it only includes so little beside the games. Shame on you EA.
Posted 01-10-2012, 13:41
Thank you Reaver for the tip :)