Mass Effect Trilogy Bundle

Exciting news comes from BioWare for those who have not yet experienced any or of the Mass Effect games. BioWare will be releasing a new Trilogy box set that will include all three Mass Effect titles. The trilogy is set to be released for Consoles and PC on November 6th 2012.
Unfortunately EA is rather vague with their statement regarding DLC released for all three games. The timing of this trilogy bundle is also rather strange as there is still Mass Effect 3 DLC to come. Does this mean that we will be getting ME Trilogy Ultimate Edition further down the line?
Leave your thoughts down below.
Posted 27-09-2012, 02:48
You said it - it's EA.
Posted 26-09-2012, 22:24
I could see all ME 1-2 DLC's put in this bundle... than again its EA we are talking about.
Posted 26-09-2012, 22:08
Where was the ME2 Ultimate edition when I wanted it? And if this doesn't include DLC then whats the point?