Make WildStar Your Own with Crazy Customization
WildStar has quite a lot going on with it, that much is clear. It's got all the PvP and PvE my little heart can handle, but where's the personality in it if everyone's running around looking the same? Well, the Devs got that covered in their Customization DevSpeak. Warplots, hoverboards, houses, mounts, characters, hairstyles, armor, stats and more can be changed to pretty much whatever you want; and that's pretty rad.
I know "WoWkiller" gets thrown around a lot at pretty much every MMO under the sun, but my time with WildStar feels a lot different than the countless MMOs I've got my grubby hands on over the past near decade since I started playing these horribly addictive games. Wildstar is the first game i've played where I could actually sit down and say "Maybe this is better than Warcraft." and I certainly don't want to be the guy clamouring about how "The next Warcraft is here, guys!" but Wildstar definitely has potential. If you're an MMO guy, it needs to be on your list.