Mad Max Is Out, But How Is The PC Port?
Yo jurors! Nooooooooooo! No more delays! We go in! We play! Play it! Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy it! You just, you just play!
Yeah, Mad Max is finally out after a few setbacks and, according to over 1,000 people on Steam, the PC port is damn excellent. This is great news considering this game is published by Warner Bros. and we all remember how well Mortal Kombat X and Arkham Knight launched not too long ago.
Players can look forward to some cool car customization, vehicular combat, hand to hand combat, and an assortment of firearms. By all accounts so far, including from my colleagues here at Pixel Judge, this game has everything it needs to stand up to today’s other heavy hitter. Buuuuuuuuuut...
What say you jurors? Are you braving the wastelands as the iconic Max? Or do you prefer your games a little more…”Silent”? Let us know in the comments.
For more news on this, and other games. Keep braving the internet plains and wastes, to see us at Pixel Judge. This news is adjourned.
Posted 02-09-2015, 23:44
I read that Avalanche did the PC version in-house, and the two hours I got to play last night were very fun and bug-free. The game looks surprisingly good on my older system and only slowed down when the dust storm hit. Still no sign of my preorder bonus, though. It seems a lot of PC players have reported the same problem.