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Mad Max’s Aussie Accent Restored

By BloodyFanGirl08-07-2013

The Mad Max game was revealed earlier this year at E3 and in the demo the titular man of questionable sanity spoke with an American accent. Fans have now requested that the games stay faithful to the films and that Mad Max should speak with an Australian accent. And now he will.

Chief Creative Officer at Avalanche Studios, Christopher Sundberg, tweeted last week "Attn. fans who want Max to have an Aussie accent in #MadMaxGame : It shall be so. We admire your loyalty. You have been heard."

Aside from the above and some screenshots little else is known about the game. What we do know is that the game is due for release sometime next year on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and PC.

Comments (3)
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Posts: 3290

Not in the first. It was starting to creep in during the second, but he still sounded like an Aussie. By the time of the third though, yeah. Everyone thought he WAS a Yank by then 'cause he was not long off Lethal Weapon

Posts: 341

Mel Gibson had an american accent during the movies.

Posts: 3290

This really should have been a no-brainer