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Lords of Shadow Come to Light on PC

By breadbitten06-06-2013

Never question a Steam registry leak! Apparently reports of the [previously] console exclusive 'Castlevania: Lords of Shadow' sneaking its way into our desktops (or you know, laptops too) were none too far-fetched as Konami today confirmed it. 'Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Ultimate Edition' is coming to PC in 27th August and includes the 'Reverie' and 'Resurrection' add-on DLCs as both a boxed copy and a digital release through Steam. This should help the uninitiated get, err, initiated into the rebooted Castlevania lore before the sequel 'Lords of Shadow 2' (which was announced as already being in development for the PC) sees release.

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Posts: 3290

All these console exclusives making their way to the PC. You don't think...The Darkness?

Make it happen Starbreeze!

Posts: 1317

Yeah Mortal Kombat's Amazon/Steam cheevie leak also proved to be legit. I wonder... Halo 3... Hmm...