Le Wargame: Le AirLand Battles

The French are no strangers to war, what with having the bad-ass Foreign Legion and the most expensive tank in the world. So there was no chance that they would miss the chance to duke it out against the Soviets in Scandinavia!
They are not a new faction, though I have little familiarity with them in Wargame: European Escalation. However, there are a few new units to spot in the new French promo screenshots. There are, of course, new versions of VAB, the French cute counterpart to the BMP, the much exported AMX-13 light tank and the AMX-30 BRENUS, which is a fancy way of saying "AMX-30 with explosive reactive armor".
There are, of course, French jets, too, like the Mirage 5F and Mirage 2000C. Eurofighter Typhoon is waaay too young to join the roster, but we can expect to see a lot more of Mirages and a Super Entendards.
Posted 24-04-2013, 14:46
@Leigh I think the next itteration in the series will have ships and an even stupidier name like Wargame: AirNavalLandUnderground Warfare :P
Posted 24-04-2013, 14:05
Looks damn good, that picture with all the vehicles by the water would be infinitely improved with the addition of warships though.
Posted 24-04-2013, 09:17
Holy crap that looks sexy!