Last Light Comes With Bonuses for Pre-orderans
Or is it Pre-orderites, or Pre-orderese? I'm not sure what national plural goes to those from the sovereign state of Pre-Ordertopia, those who get their games with amazing extra content like art books and in game items. The newest title to make its appearance in this sovereign nation is Metro: Last Light, the highly anticipated sequel to Metro: 2033, and the goodies you get for pre-purchasing are bundled together in what Steam is calling the Limited Edition. This Limited Edition comes with a unique weapon, extra Military Bullets (the game's currency), a digital comic, and Ranger Mode (a super hardcore difficulty setting). I'm assuming that the Limited Edition will be available after Last Light is released for a premium price, but if you were planning on picking this one up, it may be worth grabbing it now.
Posted 06-04-2013, 11:52
Early access I can live with. Exclusive access...urgh
Posted 06-04-2013, 10:41
Ranger Mode exclusive to pre-orderers.... Well I believe this calls for a YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! OH, DAMN YOU! GODDAMN YOU ALL TO HELL! .... quote....