Last Chance to Sign Up For SimCity Beta

The time has come fellow urban planning enthusiasts. Next weekend Maxis and EA are having a beta weekend for their upcoming SimCity. According to the SimCity twitter the beta will give players a chance "to play a one hour slice of the game."
If you're interested, and if you're reading this chances are that you are, click here to sign up for the beta. SimCity is scheduled for a March 5th release.
Posted 19-01-2013, 02:08
I have SimCity 4 and am not really excited about it... ;/
Posted 19-01-2013, 00:35
Same here. been going back to Sim City 4 lately. It's really showing its age though. Can't wait for this game :]
Posted 19-01-2013, 00:32
Signed up. Hope I get it :P