Lara Croft Gets New Screens

Screenshots are the easiest form of marketing any company can have. Take a few shots, brush them up a bit here and there, and your good to go. Fans or those anticipating the game will brighten up with glee and it gives them both something to look at and serves as a reminder should they have forgotten that the game was in development. Screenshots are like rice, a filler in between the good stuff such as Trailers and the actual game.
The anticipated new Tomb Raider game has just received a whole bunch of such screenshots and with many of us being fans - ranging from those occasional TR players to those that pray every night in the hope of waking up in an alternate reality in which they share in the adventures of the female Indiana Jones - I am sure you will launch yourself upon these goodies with much impetus.
Sadly, this batch doesn't really capture my imagination although I did contemplate whether to put the one where Lara zip-lines over an exploding Chinese village as my desktop background. But no, in the end, it wasn't that good. Still, I hope that all of you enjoy these pictures and that they make the wait slightly less agonizing...for two minutes.
Posted 26-02-2013, 21:57
Dat ass
Posted 26-02-2013, 14:36
Oh Lara you looking damn fine these days
Posted 26-02-2013, 14:15
I quite like the screens and think they are good enough for wallpapering :P
Posted 26-02-2013, 14:12
Didn't know China was so brown and gray.... Oh wait, that's just American game development talking...