Indie Gala's Newest 8 Game Bundle

The latest Indie Gala Bundle has launched, giving you access to eight games, with two more unlocking in the second week of the Gala. That's a lot of games, good ones too, with highlights such as Shank and Mass Effect 2. At the time of writing, simply pay $5.82 or more to unlock everything (with soundtracks).
Indie Gala have named this one the 'Mass Effect Bundle' due to the inclusion of Mass Effect 2. It seems a bit strange to name the whole bundle after one of the included games, but then it's also strange that EA have offered up their game for inclusion in the first place. The full list of games is as follows:
- Rebuild
- Kill Fun Yeah
- Shadowgrounds
- Zombie Driver HD
- Gimbal
- Shank
- Mass Effect 2
- Zombie Driver HD DLC + Soundtrack
You've got a little more than ten days to buy this bundle, which is great value for a bunch of great games. Like the big daddy of all things game bundles - the Humble Bundle, you can choose to split the money, giving some to charity or the developers, or leaving a tip towards the bundle makers Indie Gala.
Posted 19-04-2013, 11:35
Is this what two golden poos do to a company?!