Humble Without the Bundle
Humble Bundle launches its new Daily Store where each day there will be a set of new deals for games that can be purchased with 10% going to charity. It's celebrating its launch with a gaggle of hot indie games such as Euro Truck Sim 2, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, and the still in early development Prison Architect. It's almost like having a Steam Sale every day.
As much as I love cheap games, and having profits from said games go to charity to boot, I must beg to ask the question "Has Humble (Formally Indie) Bundle" lost its identity? It started off as a neat idea to get a bundle of DRM-Free, multiplatform indie games that you could get for any price you wanted and being allowed to choose how you want that money split up. However, over the years, there have been big AAA bundles (including the absolutely horrific and far from humble Origin Bundle), there was minimum of $1 introduced (though to be fair, that isn't their fault, blame some peoples tendency to take and take regardless of whether or not they affect those around them). Lately most games are steam exclusives and only on PC, and now this Humble Store has set prices and a set amount to charity. Now all these things aren't really bad things in of themselves, cheap games for a good cause are cheap games for a good cause, however lately, Humble just isn't looking so humble. Though, the Humble Store has been around for a good while now and is just been given the spotlight and some major sales, so I wouldn't fret too much over it. And once again, cheap games for a good cause is cheap games for a good cause.