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Humble? Try The Free Bundle

By JcDent11-01-2013

The Free Bundle gives you just that - free indie games! So you don't have look for them and discover them all by yourself. Current package includes:

Ascension, a side scroller survival horror game

Celestial Mechanica - side scrolling action, puzzles and stuff, good soundtrack!

Imscared - Slenderman and Minecraft combined!

Abobos' Big Adventure - Retro City Rampage: The Side Scroller!

Nitronic Rush - Nitronic. Motherfucking. Rush. Best indie racing game ever. It combines humour, awesome soundtrack and voice acting with Tron like design with two things I can't do - driving and flying. It kicks ass and is the basis for the extra sexy Distance (try Kickstarter/Steam Greenlight).

It's free, but it's worth much more JUST for Nitronic Rush. Come get some!


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Posts: 351

I am going to try some of these fantastic looking games right now!