Hotline Miami 2 Announced
Dennaton Games developer Jonatan Söderström said on twitter today that a sequel to the excellent Hotline Miami is forthcoming. Specifically, he mentioned the “sweet tunes” from the game’s preliminary soundtrack; something which fans of the original game’s soundtrack, like myself, no doubt eagerly await.
He further elaborated that the original planned DLC for the game was going to be evolved into this planned sequel, but that at the moment he was still busy with “fixing” Hotline Miami.
I will certainly be eagerly awaiting more news of a sequel to one of my favorite games this year, a position I highly recommend adopting, if you want to be a more excited person.
Posted 27-11-2012, 16:38
Awesome. Completed this in one full session - took me about 4 hours - because it was so bloody amazing. A sequel is great news.