HIB Team Announces Subscription-based Bundle
Unsurprisingly, the internet is pissed. At a somewhat cool 12 USD per month, you can sign up to receive a game via the Monthly Bundle that “hasn't been featured in other bundles,” though curiously, without knowing what the game is beforehand. You can cancel your subscription whenever you'd like, and the game unlocks on the first Friday of every month, but it doesn't appear as though you get previous games in the subscription service. Charity profits are also capped at 5% of the monthly revenue, which seems to be lower than what is given normally, or even what's given through the Humble Store.
Initially, it sounds like starting up a Netflix service for games (though not renting, actually owning) doesn't sound like a bad idea, but perhaps going through a team known for creating interesting and unique game bundles, and giving just a single game a month wasn't the best strategy for this. If it was a bundle of games not seen in bundles before, I could understand and foresee a more positive reaction, but it will be interesting to see how this might change over the coming month.
On the flipside, it might be a neat way to snag some nice deals off of games that people had been considering picking up beforehand. Though there might not be too many games that this applies to at a 50% discount, the gambling types might be more interested in this. For those interested in the Monthly Bundle, this month's bundle is Legend of Grimrock 2, discounted at 12 USD off of the regular price of 23.99 USD.