Half Life 2 in the Oculus Rift
We reported before on Half-Life 2's porting to the Oculus Rift VR goggles, but now we can show you video footage of someone playing Half Life 2 using the Oculus Rift - so we will. Youtube user Vaecon was able to record his experiences, which we have linked above for your viewing pleasure. He mentions some motion sickness issues, and some weirdness when you crawl through the vents, but apparently glasses are fairly comfortable - a plus for me, since I literally cannot see without mine. There do seem to be some graphical issues, but honestly, if I had $300 US to drop on Oculus Rift Glasses, I would simply for the opportunity to literally be Gordan Freeman.
Posted 15-05-2013, 07:39
XiDiO: I'm a dirt poor unemployed person....the rift is bloody expensive at the moment from my point of view.
Posted 15-05-2013, 05:23
Fr33. A rift is dirt cheap.
Posted 15-05-2013, 05:22
These videos are popopopointless.
Posted 15-05-2013, 02:18
As I said, if I had the money to buy a rift, I would buy one (even if it meant going hungry that week) to play HL2 alone....
Posted 14-05-2013, 18:34
This...this almost makes me want a Rift