Grounded for the Nite

I have some tragic news for you folks, People Can Fly, one of the most brilliantly named studios (yes, it matters) just fell prey to the clutches of corporate homogenization and have been rebranded into Epic Games Poland. A moment of silence.
Speaking to Pixel Enemy, an Epic Games rep confirmed the sad truth...
"We've changed the studio's name from People Can Fly to Epic Games Poland. We're a global company with talented people working toward one goal across the world. We think this helps better reflect that."
In somewhat cheerier news, Peop—Epic Games Poland are on board in the continued development of the promising Fortnite, the co-op survive 'em up that's been brewing inside the developer's offices for a few years now, adding that Epic Games Poland are one of the multiple studios hard at work on making the game.
It's been a while since we've heard anything on Fortnite, which was previously hinted at being an online-only title which may or may not have singleplayer elements, but at least this bit of news confirms that Epic are not sitting on their laurels with Fortnite.