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By Fr33Lanc3r.00702-01-2014

It is a sad day for the wonderful folks at Good Old Game. Fallout, a series that has been a part of their catalogue from the very beginning, has been removed due to licencing issues. We knew this was coming, Interplay's legal right to sell the original games expired on the 31st of December 2013, and it's why GOG was giving them away for free during their Christmas Sales. There is some hope that GOG will be able to make a deal with Zenimax Media, in order to bring Fallout back, but in the meantime, they've left a stirring send off in their official announcement:

"It was an honor to have you here, Fallout. Take good care of yourself out there, try not to mistake a gecko for G.E.C.K. (not even remotely the same thing!), and remember to take your Rad-X pills!"

Those who had previously bought the Fallout series from GOG, or added it to their account during the giveaway, will still be able to access and download the games, and all of the extra content  bundled with them. Those among you who didn't take advantage of the giveaway: firstly, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GIVEAWAY; and secondly, the games still seem to be available on Steam, so you can repent of your foolishness.

Comments (6)
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Posts: 207

Azeebo - I got my third copies during the giveaway as well...I still haven't finished any of them yet.

Posts: 3290

Ive never bought them, and probably never will.

Even for free

Posts: 1317

Azeebo, the people who didn't get it on GoG definitely missed out. Especially because the games were completely FREE for a good while, multiple times even.

Posts: 596

Wow, why the hell does Zenimax no longer want to sell their game lol... does not compute...

Let me let Zenimax in on a little secret, to make money, you have to sell product, to sell product, you have to... well HAVE IT AVAILABLE FOR SALE!!! LOL

Posts: 1548

Got them on Steam loooong loooong time ago.

Posts: 15

I actually have these on disk and digitally already. I still got them on GoG anyway. Those who did not, have missed an awesome opportunity. Great games.