Ghosts Suffer from a Deluge of Trailers
It seems that Call of Duty: Ghosts has been inundated by a flood of trailers, leaving gamers panicking as they attempt to make sense of it all. Loads of new information has been revealed by these trailers, showcasing various aspects of gameplay that were previously unclear or even unannounced, such as the underwater gameplay (which has a whole trailer to itself), or mechanics related to the actual combat, as seen in the in-game footage. There's even a trailer focused mainly on the dog companion mechanic straight from inside the game itself.
So, what do you think it's gonna be? The same old? Or perhaps, something absolutely amazing?
It seems that Call of Duty: Ghosts has been inundated by a flood of trailers, leaving gamers panicking as they attempt to make sense of it all. Loads of new information has been revealed by these trailers, showcasing various aspects of gameplay that were previously unclear or even unannounced, such as the underwater gameplay (which has a whole trailer to itself), or mechanics related to the actual combat, as seen in the in-game footage.There's even a trailer focused mainly on the dog companion mechanic straight from inside the game itself.
So, what do you think it's gonna be? The same old? Or perhaps, something absolutely amazing?
Posted 10-06-2013, 15:36
I know it's nowhere near as big of a deal as Acti makes it to be but I think the new CoD looks really good.