Get Your Nanosuits Ready, Crysis 3 Beta Is On
The Crysis 3 open beta began yesterday and you can sign up here. As with most gaming releases of any kind, there is a cool trailer to marvel at because it is a great looking game. The brand new mode in Crysis 3 will be on display, it is called Hunter Mode and it sounds like the best part about the multiplayer honestly. Basically some nanosuit assassins are up against some regular troops, oh yeah, the nanosuit guys are outnumbered. The beta will also feature the capture point mode from the second game called Crash Site. Players will be playing shooting each other in the face in an overgrown abandoned airport and a museum in ruins. Players will be able to level up to the tenth rank and try out various abilities. Hunter mode certainly looks cool, Crysis 2 was a solid multiplayer experience so hopefully three will improve on the formula. Are you ready to suit up and show up for the Crysis 3 beta? Watch the tutorial to get you familiar with the basics: