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Get Up To Speed on DA: Inquisition with Mark Darrah

By CameronW21-12-2013

Let's go ahead and pretend Dragon Age 2 wasn't a mess and get excited about some Dragon Age: Inquisition news, shall we? Mark Darrah: Executive Producer on the upcoming title in the Dragon Age franchise pulled himself away from helping make the game and sat himself down to give the eager fans/sceptics an update on where the game is currently at.

Over at BioWare they have this thing called a "Holiday Build" where they whip up a unfinished, but fully playable build of whatever game they happen to be chugging away on. Here's a few things that they've got going on in the Holiday Build:

1. The main storyline completely playable from beginning to end: This allows the story to be experienced in an interactive state, and lets us get pacing and spacing right.

2. All of the gameplay systems working together: This means that you can experience the game as it is intended to be experienced, with each feature feeding into another.

3. Starting VO recording for large parts of the game (More on this later).

4. Getting music in (More on this later).

5. Making sure that each class has a distinctive feel: Making sure that the party is a necessary and exciting part of combat (More on this later).

That's not even the half of it, there's more entries and pictures galore in the actual blog post here. http://blog.bioware.com/2013/12/19/mark-darrah-an-update-on-dragon-age-inquisition/ Excited yet? I have to confess that I might be...just a little bit. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my third playthrough of Origins.

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